On 1st September,2010(KRISHNA JANASTAMI) Interact club of Jawalakhel organized a volunteering programme at Krishna Mandir on the coordination of Itr. Saurav Regmi.
There were only 12 volunteers participated on the programme due to limited no. of passes. The volunteers serves for almost 6 hours with out caring the heat and the rain from 9:30 a.m-2:30 p.m. The Volunters are Itr. Saurav Regmi, Itr.Suraj Bikram Thapa, Itr.Subash Bishwakarma, Itr.Deepu Maharjan, Itr.Rena Moktan, Itr. Ajay Gurung, Itr.Robin Thapa, Itr. Pravin Thapa, Itr.Siddhi Kiran, Itr. Dig Bijaya Shakya, Itr. Meghna Shakya and Itr.Bhaviswor Gurung. This is the first event of the club and frist Community Service Programme for the Rota Year 2010-11 since, the club has Just started its new Tennure only before 16 days ago.The Pictures below shows some highlights of the programme.